The Anti-American Media Establishment

A screen capture from the Red Dawn film website.
I had a bit of an epiphany yesterday while I was watching the DVD of Red Dawn (the 2012 version). It occurred to me that there were many leftist critics who slammed the movie for its patriotic theme and moral values such as standing up for what you believe in, repelling a foreign military occupation, respecting American sovereignty, etc. This got me asking, “Who in the world would make such claims and why?”
I mean, let’s face it, those kinds of statements are bordering on traitorous. They aren’t quite there, but certainly fall only a hair’s breadth shy of it.
The CHICAGO READER Employs Traitorous Scumbags
Drew Hunt of the Chicago Reader makes the following statements about the movie:
“John Milius’s 1984 cult classic about American teens battling a Soviet invasion has been reinvented as a Tea Party wet dream that offers a scathing (if completely illogical) indictment of the federal government. When the western seaboard is invaded by the North Korean army, the president fails to act, so a pack of high schoolers in Washington State launch a rebel resistance to defend our liberty. As these young freedom fighters forge ahead, courageously exercising their Second Amendment rights, screenwriters Carl Ellsworth and Jeremy Passmore merge action movie heroics with ass-backwards politics, blunting the genre pleasures that made the original so delightfully kitsch. Dan Bradley directed; with Chris Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.”
Apparently, this critic has allowed his political views to overshadow his professionalism. Instead of reviewing the movie based on its acting, script and cinematography, he politicizes the film in a sorry attempt to please his left wing masters. There is a concept in the literary arts, of which film making is a part, called the suspension of disbelief. This concept is an agreement between the writer (in this case, of the movie script) and the intended audience (in this case, the movie-goer) to suspend reality for the duration of the story. If we did not have this agreement with those whom we charge with our entertainment, we would not have an entire genre of literature or film called fiction.
It is not the job of the critic to impose their political views on the reader. Rather, it is the job of the critic to inform the reader of facts about the movie relating to the acting abilities of the cast, how well the story is written and the quality of the cinematography. Drew Hunt failed in this regard completely. Instead, Drew writes a political statement about the movie which is of no consequence to the reader. Those who would be interested in such a film already know of its political bent.
As if that isn’t bad enough of a departure of the critic’s responsibility to the reader, he is entirely inaccurate in his political assessment as well. The movie makes no assumptions regarding the abilities of our current government to repel such an invasion other than what is implied by the unwritten agreement to suspend reality for a short time. In that suspension, it is assumed by the viewer that America was caught by a surprise military attack beginning with what is presumed to be an EMP burst which cripples the entire West Coast. After that, there is absolutely no mention of what the military or other government controlled forces are doing until the Wolverines are reinforced by a small group of former marines on a mission. This alone implies that there is an active military resistance engaging the enemy.
DIGITAL SPY Employs Traitorous Scumbags
Ben Rawson-Jones of Digital Spy makes the following comment:
“This dismal remake of the overrated ’80s cult flick is littered with the type of nausea-inducing patriotic dialogue lampooned by the likes of Team America: World Police.”
Nausea inducing patriotic dialogue? Since when is love of country nauseous? This kind of statement implies that Mr. Rawson-Jones, who can’t even make up his mind on what his last name is, would support an invasion of the United States; his home; his country. It is the likes of people like him who would end up being the collaborators depicted in this film. Traitorous certainly and bordering on treasonous are his words.
THE SKINNY Employs Naive, Unprofessional Journalists
John Nugent, who writes for The Skinny, a UK based website, makes claims about the movie which clearly show his lack of understanding of American culture and patriotism. He writes:
“In 1984, the year Orwell prophesied doom, writer-director John Milius took the Cold War to its barely logical conclusion for Red Dawn, imagining a Third World War where parachuting Soviets invaded the US mainland and might have triumphed, were it not for a plucky band of American freedom fighters. In this silly, and largely pointless remake, the enemy may have changed, but the same fatuous paranoia, flag-fluttering patriotism, and flimsy grip on international politics remains. Just as Soviet Russia was a handy baddie in the ’80s – mysterious, aloof, faceless – so North Korea apparently is today. A right-wing fantasy writ large, the premise would be intriguing if it wasn’t so patently absurd. There’s competent action from first-time director Dan Bradley and the cast, led by Chris Hemsworth, are fine. But it remains an entirely ludicrous ninety minutes, jingoistically guileless in depicting an American insurgency fighting back against an invading foreign army – in reality, of course, it tends to be the other way around.”
Apparently, Mr. Nugent is a relative newcomer to the planet. Having lived through almost three decades of the Cold War, I can certainly tell you that the Soviets were neither convenient nor faceless. The quip “Kill a Commie for your mommy,” was a staple of the time. We were more than merely vaguely aware of our enemy and their capabilities. They represented a very real and inconvenient threat. One that Americans greatly feared and, rightfully so.
While, I am in agreement with Mr. Nugent that the North Koreans certainly don’t represent even a remotely credible threat to the United States at this time, there is still one thing that he conveniently forgets in his futile attempt to spout his traitorous political dogma: the concept of fiction known as the suspension of disbelief. He forgets that it is really irrelevant who the enemy is that invades mainland America. What is important is the story of what happens next.
This critic is obviously more interested in making a political name for himself than he is in critiquing movies based on their merit. He wants America to know that he believes patriotism and solid moral values to be a thing of the past. These are things to be laughed at and scorned rather than nurtured and applauded. The antagonists are not to be vilified, but rather, shown to be misunderstood and in need of their mother’s comforting breast.
Maybe John (Yellow-Belly) Nugent may not be interested in defending his country from enemy invaders, but I can attest to the fact that Americans, no matter how divided and polarized we may be on political matters, will not tolerate such actions from any military force. Not even our own.
JEREMY LEBENS is a Traitorous Scumbag
Jeremy Lebens typifies the radical left wing opinions regarding patriotism when he states:
“Not once does Bradley suggest that Red Dawn is anything more than a quick PG-13 action film, with humor seasoned in to keep it from turning stale, so why the need to constantly force the film’s cheesy patriotic messages? Do the filmmakers really think anyone watching the film gives a damn? I know I certainly didn’t. Not once does the film extend past its silly plot and because of that it shouldn’t be taken seriously.”
Really? You don’t give a damn about patriotism? Maybe, Jeremy Lebens, you would prefer to live under the oppressive and tyrannical rule of our enemies. While I am certain that there will come a day when patriotism is no longer necessary in our world, the fact remains that in today’s reality, it is a vital and necessary element of our global society. Until we have worked out that tyranny and oppression of people is not a good thing, as Mr. Lebens appears to not understand yet, and Freedom and Liberty are causes worth fighting and dying for, patriotism is going to remain a vital part of American culture. Without it, we have no understanding of who the bad guys are.
Let me make this perfectly clear to you, Jeremy Lebens, we are the good guys because we are the ones who support concepts like Freedom and Liberty for all people, in spite of the current administrations attempts to subvert these most righteous ideals. Once the whole world is free and liberated from oppression, then we can start talking about patriotism being something we don’t give a damn about. Until then, such talk is tolerated simply because our culture demands we tolerate such weak minded speech from people with yellow streaks down their backs.
The Indecency of Moral Cowardice
So, why am I writing a tirade on the likes of spineless film critics?
There comes a time when certain elements of society need to be removed. We do this every day with our criminals. They commit a crime and we put them in prison for a time hoping to rehabilitate them. The problem with left wing radicalism is that their rhetoric is not illegal, although it certainly can be argued to be immoral. So it is time for us, as Americans, to step up our pressure on the enemy’s attempts to overthrow our system and culture from within. And here is how we need to go about doing it.
For the most part, we know who these left wing nut cases are. We know where they live, where they shop, where they attend religious services, etc. So, it is time to shut our doors to them. If they come into your place of business, politely escort them out the door and off the premises. If they show up at your restaurant, refuse them service. If they show up at your church, synagogue, temple or other place of worship, deny them access. Don’t let them in your home. If they try to engage you in conversation, politely extract yourself from the situation and let them continue on their conversation by themselves. I mean, let’s face it, you don’t really want to hear what they have to say, anyway.
Complete and total ostracizing from polite society is required. They must be made aware that their cowardice, inflammatory remarks, intolerance and incivility will no longer be allowed in American culture.
Social Ostracization, not the Initiation of Violence
Now, let me be perfectly clear on a couple of points. First, I am not suggesting in any way that we bring any sort of harm to these people. If, as a result of their complete removal from the fabric of civilized society, they are starving because they cannot find a store to let them purchase food, then be kind and feed the wretches. If they are in need of medical care, then offer them enrollment into Obamacare. If they are being brutalized by bullies, do not look the other way saying to yourself that they deserve what they get. Rather, go up to them and remind them that this is exactly the society they asked for and now they have to reap what they have sown. Just kidding. Of course, behave humanely toward them and offer them aid and assistance by pulling out your pistol and shooting the scum who is beleaguering them.
By behaving civilly and humanely toward them after they have hit bottom, they will quickly come to understand that polite society demands they behave themselves and support the culture we have nourished over the past couple of centuries.
The Finer Points of Truth
The second thing I want to point out is that I am not referring to the entire Left. There are many on the left who do not hold the radicalized concepts of the far left. These people genuinely believe that their concepts are morally just and righteous. To be fair, I have to agree that some of them are. Hell, even I support some of their beliefs. These people are necessary to encourage debate and discussion on relevant and important topics. It is impossible to debate only one side of an issue. It is far better to debate multiple sides of an issue. So we need the left to help balance out our society and bring new ideas to the table. If we were to leave all new ideas up to the Right, we would never see any as it is their position that we should continue to do things the way we always have. This is not appropriate for our culture as it promotes stagnation.
Identify the Traitors
But radicals, like the Clintons, Obamas, Piers Morgan, Wolf Blitzer (sorry Wolf, I used to respect your journalistic integrity until you decided to no longer remain neutral and sided with the extreme left) and the gamut of Hollywood and Manhattan neo-elitists need to be put in their place. We can do this simply by hitting them where it hurts them the most: their egos. If we refuse to watch leftist propaganda films, Hollywood will stop making them. If we refuse to feed extreme leftist politicians, they will stop supporting our enemies for a ham sandwich. If we stop watching CNN and MSNBC, they will be forced to remove the personalities we dislike. If we stop supporting the companies who advertise on these networks, their revenue will decline and they, too, will be forced find other ways to cater to normal Americans.
We must keep the pressure on for several generations. This is the only way we can be sure that the radical left stops performing acts of terror, killing of innocent children in schools and other atrocious acts. It is the only way we can ensure their numbers dwindle to the point that people of strong moral character can again be entrusted with our highest political offices.
We can no longer afford to let radical extremists in our White House and Congress. We have to take a stand now, and put so much pressure on them that they are forced to confront their misbehavior and make amends to the people. This can only be done by completely ostracizing them from society. Take away their standing in society and they will rapidly change their ways.
My Red Dawn Epiphany -- the Traitorous American Media