Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Copy-of-430328_537384029645965_1287147278_nArticle by Tim Wikiriwhi.

Syndicated from Eternal Vigilance.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Wikiriwhi is a Transegoist sympathizer; not a Transegoist — our syndication of his article does not indicate that he endorses the Transegoist philosophy.

Are you suggesting this is justification to cry out “Death to Muslims?” How do you differentiate yourself from the hater and the fanatic? We must walk a higher path.

It is a fundamental principle that when seeking to overthrow an evil, you must never assimilate the evil yourself.

That is to fall from the position of righteousness and to become a hypocrite. Furthermore, is your own faith defined by the religious zealots whom claim to represent Christianity? Is your faith even defined by what the so-called “majority” of Christians claim to believe? Mine is certainly not!

Thus, why would you assume these Muslim fanatics truly represent the Muslim faith? Is that not Duplicity on your part?

the-mountain-path-imageThe Higher road may seem, to most, much too difficult; an absurdity to even attempt, yet does the fact that it is difficult make it the wrong way to go? Because the low road of reciprocal hatred appears much “easier,” much more satisfying, and direct; does this make it acceptable for the Christian to travel?

Are you allowing these haters to sow hate directly into your own heart?

Don’t you have control of your own feelings?

“Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay thee.”

I don’t find any place in Paul’s writings where we are called to hate the lost. (I must confess to my own shortcoming in this area, too.) Let us not render evil for evil but overcome evil with good.

“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you. Live peacefully with all Men.”

EDITORS NOTE: The philosophy of Transegoism does not conflate the works of Paul with the works of Jesus Christ and his disciples. However, it does acknowledge the usefulness of Paul’s writings as a body of theological philosophy.

I add that even if it is not possible to live peacefully with some people because they are hell bent on your enslavement and destruction, yet still, though we must defend ourselves, we must not become like them, and we must take the first opportunity for peace.

To allow the terrorists to sow religious hatred and intolerance in our hearts, or to make us so fearful as to accept a more tyrannical police state in the name of “security” is to retreat in the battle of good and evil.

It is to loose faith.

Satan, laughing, spreads his wings.

I bow my head in sorrow for the lives lost and pray for the injured and maimed in Boston. I also pray for God to raise up brave preachers to preach grace to the lost, and to put his protecting hands upon those enlightened Muslims whom seek an end to religious fanaticism and who work for peace.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Tim Wikiriwhi is running for office as mayor of the city of Hamilton, New Zealand. The Transegoist Daily Journal endorses the candidacy of Tim Wikiriwhi.


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