Article by the Red Nail.
So for those of you who believe in the Bible: to me the first five books (the Pentateuch) are a history lesson and a survival guide. The New Testament tries to show people a loving path, and then attempts to warn us off from the path to self destruction. And if you don’t believe in the Bible, then this is all still applicable. Just take a look at the crumbling and decaying world (infrastructure, society, education, care, etc.), and tell me you don’t feel something coming. Something that we don’t want to see because it scares us to the bone.
Armageddon. The end of days. whatever you would like to call it: it’s all pretty much the same, and is (barring natural calamity) fairly easily avoidable if we have our head on straight. We destroy the planet. Ferment hate and violence into a brew so vile and then expect everyone to drink heartily. We under-educate. We pay farmers to not grow crops while prices skyrocket and people go hungry. We over-populate like rabbits on Viagra at a rave on the eve of (pardon the pun) the apocalypse. This is all a recipe for disaster.
You couple that type of stuff with an over zealous legal and law enforcement system beefed up and funded by the most powerful nation in the world and the growing civil unrest as sheep gradually awaken only to find they slept through the wolf eating all of its legs. Seriously: this is a gnarly mess our leaders have entangled us in and if we’re not careful… well, it could be our undoing.
EDITOR’S NOTE: There is a movement to encourage everyone in the United States of America to accept microchips in the hand or forehead, in which all financial and personal information would be stored. This, if implemented, could lead to dystopian police state in which people are, at all times, tracked, manipulated, controlled, or even remotely killed. This is but one of many Revelation-type scenarios that must not be allowed to happen.
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