Article by Mark Rasskazov.
Recently, I did a story on Sheriff Joseph G. Groody. Based on my research, Sheriff Groody is a disgusting opportunist with very little legitimacy. I was tipped off about this Sheriff by Chief Mark Kessler of Gilberton, PA (which is in Groody’s county — Schuylkill County, PA). He has shared with me his personal experiences with the man. I held off on sharing those experiences, because I was anticipating another interview with Mark Kessler, which was to include those experiences from him, first-hand, along with certain other exciting developments.
Today, I was informed that Chief Kessler’s 17 year old child was arrested by the Pennsylvania State Police for carrying an airsoft gun.
Let me say that again.
Chief Kessler’s 17 year-old child was illegally arrested bythe thePennsylvania State Police for carrying a toy.
According to Chief Mark Kessler, his son was with some friends in a field (Gilberton is a pretty rural town) when he was taken to the station by some state police. Chief Kessler has called his lawyer, and intends to sue. In his words — “the fangs are out.”
I should think so.
In my last article, I included a comment that Sheriff Groody was never legally appointed as sheriff, and then “won” the next election by a matter of a few hundred votes. Fraud, anyone?! What is this man hiding? Who is he in bed with, that state police are out enacting retribution on his behalf (or so it would seem) AGAINST CHILDREN?!
What’s the story, here?!
Something’s not right.
Who is this man connected to?
Why is it so hard to dig up information on Sheriff Groody’s background?
What were the real circumstances of his predecessor’s resignation?
Why wasn’t he ever officially confirmed by the governor?
Why is the local media blacking out what citizens have to say about him?
Based on my research, it seems obvious to me that his citizens are afraid to confide in him, he is clearly opportunistic and inconsistent on key issues like gun control, and he seems like a classic micro-manager — to put it mildly. And his background smells of corruption — and it’s hard to say just how far the corruption goes; but it does seem that he’s not just a lone bad egg.
I have heard him referred to as a “thug.” Having your state cop buddies shake down a kid? Yeah, I’d say so.
I can only speculate. Any locals reading this who have more information on the background of Sheriff Groody are strongly encouraged to contact us as soon as possible. The more I know about this man, the more he reeks.
I also encourage anyone who cares about individual liberty to visit Chief Mark Kessler’s Home Page — a hub of pro-freedom resources.
I am also reposting the interview I did with Chief Kessler below.
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